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 1970s Greater Los Angeles Region BBYO 
1972 Shofar Articles
 September-October 1972

At The Crossroads: History Made at International Convention

New Officers

Of course the real highlight of any convention has to be the election of officers. Elected to lead the Aleph Zadik Aleph for the next year was Mel Nasielski of Philadelphia, a 17-year old freshman at Temple University. Mel was last year's District Three Godol and has formerly served as chapter S'gan and Godol, Regional S'gan, and district membership chairman.

AZA officers include Ross Winn of Beverly Hills, Grand Aleph S'gan; Mike Lee of Culver City, Calif., Grand Aleph Mazkir; and Mike Dockterman of Rock Island, Ill., Grand Aleph Kohen Godol. In what is probably another historic first, both Mike Lee and Ross Winn are members of the same chapter -- Ladera AZA in Greater Los Angeles Region.

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