Hi there!!  Welcome to my little corner of the web.  My name's Angie, better known to my cyber-buddies as Angel4Nscr or NscrAng because I'm a MAJOR Nascar fan.  (3 da man baby!!)

I'm currently living in Utah, where I have a wonderful job, fantastic friends,  and an incredible life.  I have two wonderful children, Devin and Briana, who are the lights of my life.  They are living here with me now and we're all enjoying being together and sharing each day....good times and bad.

There's also a very special man in my life....one who is wonderful, amazing, and who I love with all my heart and soul.  Other than my kids, he is the most important person in my life.  He also has a son who we don't get to see nearly enough, but hopefully that'll change one day.  Without the four of them, I don't know where I'd be right now.  He gives me a reason to look to the future instead of dwelling on the past.  He has given me back the confidence I need to reach for the stars and follow my dreams.  And I hope and pray each day that he'll be right there with me, sharing those dreams.

Anyway....enough of the mushy stuff for now.  LOL  I hope you enjoy your visit here.  Please check out some of my other pages while you're in the neighborhood.  And come back soon as I'll be adding more and more all the time.
Just Me.....
Mommy's lil monsters, I mean angels.  LOL
Check Out My Other Pages
What Is Love?
Without Me
For My Special Valentine
In Dreams
If I Only Could
Speaking of Angels
Check Out These Cool Sites
A Great FREE Virtual Card Center
Postcard of the Day
Poem of the Week
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