Danielle's Page
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Well this is my little page on Geocities.  It's actually my first home on the web.  Then I got www.josephland.com and then through the web hosting service Easy Space's F*ck up I lost that site but it's okay i have www.thosejosephs.com now.  I am just trying to get everything back online and then when I have a break from school I will try to revamp it although my webmaster skills are sooooooo outdated and i probably won't train myself so my site will probably me lame by most standards.  well i don't care.  it suits me just fine.  I use it for my photo albums and thats about it.  Well Just thought I would keep THIS page active cuz like I said; it's my original home.  So check out www.thosejosephs.com if you wanna.
working on my laptop late at night
My Links:
my site
best news
My Info:
Name: Danielle
Email: danielle@thosejosephs.com
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