Some kiNd oF WorK...

...and you just pick and choose..

kubgubb.....JPG (12923 bytes) hitler.JPG (26464 bytes)

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tvkollereskämt.JPG (37411 bytes)

  Well, I've done those kind of jokes for a couple of years now, and got more than 400 of them for the moment.

   But I've done other things too. The two following albums you're able to order. That if you feel that necessary of course...

Price 30 sek/each on PG 929 97 46 - 9 ( Do not forget to write your name, address and the title of album)

victisframsida.JPG (10050 bytes)VICTIS (means: 'The defeated')

   Not a word said in the whole album... Pantomime all the way. Mostly stories of 4 pictures, but also longer ones. Can be 'read' by anybody. Nationality of no importance...

24 pages + cover. A4-size. Black and white.

victisutdrag.JPG (23017 bytes)

kalmarframsida.JPG (14691 bytes)KALMARMÖTEN  


   The background story of the union between Sweden, Norway and Denmark that was made in 1397, called Kalmarunionen. In this I tell you about big politics in the middle ages as it happend...but this story also contains a meeting between two people that would never be mentioned in any historybook. Outside the big political stage they, by accident, make their mark in the history course of events.

Swedish text, 32 pages (black/white)+ cover(colour), 17*24cm.

kalmarbild.JPG (10794 bytes)

mailsy1.jpg (4285 bytes) Mail me comments...

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