Welcome to 'Classic Malaya' - my photographic tribute to Malaysia's past. Old pictures have always fascianted me. Whenever I look at an old picture, I always wonder what's the story behind it. Are the people in it still alive? Dud they lead happy lives? What do their children look like today? Is that building still there? Has the place changed? Or is it gone for good.

This website is to remind us about those people and places, so that they don't just disappear with the passing of time. Some of the places are gone. But some of them are still with us - you can see some of them in the 'Then and Now' section of this website. I hope you take the trouble to go to these places, to appreciate them, to enjoy them. For all you know, tomorrow they may only exist within the pictures in this website.

I would like to dedicate this website to my grandparents. Arjan Singh Sandhu, a seargeant in the British Army who came to Malaya in the 1920s. He met Besant Kaur Gill, who arrived here in arrived here in the early 1920s, and they married and settled down in Bidor, Perak.Along with them came thousands of other immigrants, from all parts of Asia, who came to this golden land to find a future. They, and their children, and their children's children, helped make up the vibrant multi-racial community we have in modern Malaysia today.

I would also like to dedicate this website to Puan Azah, my history teacher in school. Despite her pathetic attempts at making history a painful torture for her students, I still retained a keen love for the subject up to today!

And thanks too to my significant other half, Sabri, who helped put this website together for me!








THEN ......


E-mail me with your comments on Classic Malaya!

Don't forget to visit Sabri's accompanying website on the History of the Malay Peninsula!

This website went on-line on August 31st, 1998 - the 41st anniversary of the day the Federation of Malaya achieved independence from Great Britain.

Last updated on

31st August, 1998