A Visionary Sound Arts Interface
Darv's linkfest for synthesists specializing 
in sounds inducing alternate states of awareness.
Brainwave Pulses, Harmonic Resonance, Special Tunings.
The reason these are called "sound arts" and not "music" 
is that much of it is not melodic, but instead 
organized sound which is designed to induce 
mind states via the entrainment principle of physics.

See Adventures In Consciousness playlists

Info On Darv These Days

There are some basic principles to these kinds 
of sonic endeavors which give them their power 
to profoundly affect one's state of consciousness: 
brainwave entrainment, harmonic resonance,
and special tunings.

Click here to read more about these principles

Click here for what i'm currently listening to....

Click on these for artists listings:

Alphabetical Listings

Go to Electronica Artists

Go to Healing Music Artists

Go to Ambient Artists

Go to Angelic Artists

Go to Brainwave Music Artists

Go to Technoambient Artists

Go to World Fusion/Rock Artists

Go to Vocal Artists

Go to Recording Companies


Go to Darv's Exotica Project

Go to Darv's Tantra Music Exhibition

Go to Darv's Industrial Anonymous Page

Go to MultiDimensionalMusic Experiences

Click For Makoto Kubota & Blue Asia

Additional sites:

I highly recommend "Drone Zone" as 
your internet ambient radio station.
Go To SomaFM(then click on Drone Zone)

i've been tinkering with a set at Blip.FM! hey! i'm a dj again!
Paradise Inside PlayZone

Darv Krizton is a psychonaut and visionary music
aficionado at large on planet Earth, currently 
on reassignment to the Hawaiian Island of Maui.
The vibrational odyssey continues....

Current Darv Info

Show me the KKUP website

KKUP programmer Eric Mystic's website

By request, I am including a short list of the books
that have most influenced my spiritual development

See the DarvTexts

The Darvlinks page is my customized internet
surfmobile. You can ride on this puppy all day!

See the DarvLinks

In response to more requests, i include a short
list of great discs. Novices can acquire these
discs with confidence!

See Darv Recommended Cd's

Darv Krizton can be contacted at darvkrizton@hotmail.com.

Be Kind To Each Other!

Read My Near-Death Like Experience

Read My Interpretation of "The Lord's Prayer"

You are vibrational holoarchic Being operating 
on multiple dimensional levels simultaneously

The levels are a cascade of resonances
proceeding from a fundamental Universal Tone
which result in an isometric, vibratory
Transdimensional Garden

Joyous Compassionate Participation in the
Realms of Strife, Struggle and Sorrow
in order to Fulfill the Dream of
Creativity, Wholeness & Love Without End

The description of my page is:
visionary music
visionary sound arts
ambient music

Please come back soon and visit me.

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