From the heart, mind, and soul
Last Updated: 6/2002
6/02-I have severly neglected to keep up with this (sorry, my bad). Oh well, better late than never, I guess. Well, as you can see, I have recently updated the pages and yes there is new poetry. Sorry for the delay. If you have checked out the site in the past & I never replied, I apologize. I now have the ability to read AND REPLY to all emails now. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to meail me at and I will be more than happy to reply. Thank you for your patience in this. Later all!!!!
Click to go to my NEW (!!!) personal info page
Welcome to my web-page!  I am AVATAR2475, also known as Patrick.  I write free-lance poetry in my off-time and am now posting some of it for everyone to read. I appreciate any feedback that can be offered, so after reading, please email me with comments and/or suggestions. Please enjoy reading and click on to continue!!!
To go to new poetry.....
To see old poetry in the graveyard...