Internet Addiction

eyes fly open,at early dawn
click off the alarm,climb out of bed
hurry, hurry,gotta get on the web
get dressed fast, or just grab a robe
no time for coffie, no time for tea
no time for breakfast, i just gotta see

fast beating hart, hands are sweating
hurry laptop,boot up windows,i"m a wait'en
gholie gee, jumping and leep'en
get going laptop,quite your sleep'en

theres the sign on,here's my password
go,go laptop, log on to the web
hurry let's get going,I frantically beg
the webs is a waiting, here it comes
where's my keybord,come here mouse
look out people, i'll bring doun the house

exploring the web sites, surfing the net
haressing the rooms, chatting with friends
now isen't this life,computer nut cringe
a day full of laughter,sadisfaction attraction
time flys fast, with out any attention
when you have the internet addiction

written and copyright by ravenb_05 1