Adrian John Dobie's Art Homepage
Adrian John Dobie's Art Home Page.

Here are some of my recent fine art reproductions.

Hi I'm Adrian, I'm an artist, designer and muralist living in Sydney, Australia.

I've been an artist for over 30 years and my works have been exhibited and included in collections worldwide.

I specialise in historical portraits, but have been commissioned to do all sorts of paintings, murals and trompe work.

My historial portraits and recreating paintings from old family photographs have become very popular and some of my works now replace old masters sold or lost in country houses in England and France as well as many homes in the USA.

I have put together these pages of work to show the varied type of paintings I do. Some murals and more erotic artwork have not been listed.


The Duke of Buckingham by Rubens.

He looks better in the right frame!!

Bonnie Prince Charlie.

Another Duke of Buckingham.

King George III as a boy by Liotard.

King Louis XV of France.

This is a portrait that I painted from an 1860's family photo.

King Louis XVI of France.

This is based on a 1930's deco painting here in Australia.

Hi I'm Adrian.

Email me at in the meantime.

© 1997

Please come back soon and visit me. I'm always adding new pieces.