Welcome to Standish. A local place for local people. You'll never leave!

This is the index so far - Or click here for the much better new site! The new website

A picture of me But not a very good one!
My Email address phil@pdjohnson.co.uk
Artistic leaning To brighten the day
Lets not forget the family Can't live with them, can't kill them
Edward and tubbs If you have to ask, you wouldn't understand ....
Hannah's Page Cute and big
Kate's page Cute and small
Sister's Page Cute together
The Actors Page Only the good ones
The Actress Page Some can act.....
St. Helens, my home town. Press the bell and pick the bottom one. It's not local

And a big hello from a personal hero of mine


Everything you see is copyright of P.Johnson except the things I robbed which are copyright of their owners