The Wonders Of Love


Look into my eyes
see the passion within
Feel how you warm me
with just a look,a touch
Lay your hand upon my chest
feel my heart beat for you
Place your head upon my heart
hear it whispering your name
Touch me,taste me and know
that all my being is yours
I want to fill your every thought
the way that your fill mine
To know that no matter what
I am always there with you
Together even when we're apart
inside you wrapped around your heart
Take this passion that we share
embrace it,wrap it around us
for its our blanket of love
ours forever to share and enjoy
Hold me tight within your arms
close to your very heart
Fill this emptiness within me
whenever we are far apart


Lay with me upon this bed
This bed of roses that I bring
Let the petals cling to us
Remember there are no thorns to sting
Just you and me forever
I lay looking deep into your eyes
I see the love that shines there
For your eyes could never tell lies
Our love and passion is so deep
that no other man can compare
You are my heart and my soul
It this thing called love we share


Do you feel the emptiness
That I now feel inside
Every since you went away
My whole world has died
Together we laughed,we shared
our most deepest inner feelings
We dreamed of all the things we wanted
In the future that was ours to share
Now you are gone far away
Never to return to me
I miss you more than words can say
I'll continue to miss you everyday
Our passions were so deep
Our hearts they beat as one
Our thoughts,our hopes,our dreams
Are now and forever gone
Sometime when your not busy
I really hope and pray
That you think of me with love
and wonder how I am this day


Together we shall be one
apart we are not whole
Your heart keeps mine beating
Our souls are forever intwinded
I knew when I met you that day
That you were the man meant for me
You were sent to me from him
For our love was meant to be
The love that we have for each other
is a love that is very rare
It only comes to those who know
That true love like this is meant to share


Can anyone describe it ?
Do you know what it is?
Sometimes I have to wonder
Did it ever really exist?
You think you know someone
Feel that you can place trust
Then they just walk away
And your love turns into dust
Is it love or lust?
Is it happiness or sorrow?
Can you really depend on it?
Or is it gone tomorrow?
I think that people do forget
The promises that they make
For true love and happiness
A lot of chances you have to take
Once I thought love was forever
Now I'm not so sure
Because for you to have true love
both the hearts need to be true


Hold me close baby please
Tell me anything, but that
you're going to leave
as I kiss this fallin tear
I promise you, I will be here
until the stars fall from the sky
until I find a reason why
and darlin as the years go by
until there's no tears left to cry
until the angels close my eyes
and even if we're worlds apart
I'll find my way back to you by heart
when you go, I'll start to cry
I wont ever let this moment stop
time is stealing you from me
but it can never take this memory
until the stars fall from the sky
until I find a reason why
and darlin as the years go by
until there's no tears left to cry
until the angels close my eyes
and even if we're worlds apart
I'll find my way back to you by heart