David's Home Page

Hi to ALL, and welcome into my personal home page. Here's something about me:
My name is David Beduzzi and I was born in Trnava (Slovakia) on the 16th March 1972. Currently I live in Cernusco S/n, a small town near Milano (Italy). I'm an Informatic-engeneering student at the Polytecnic of Milano, and I work as programmer at the Omega (a software house), using Visual C++.

In my spare time I like playing basketball, or any kind of sport there's chance to play. I also like a lot watching sport events on TV or - much better - directly at the stadium, indeed I have a subscription for the soccer team of Milano: FC Internazionale, or simply 'Inter'. I really believe 'we' can win the championship this year with champions like Zanetti, Ganz, Djorkaeff, Kanu and.... Ronaldo!
I also like American Football and my favourite team are the Cincinnati Bengals.

My other one great passion is CINEMA. I like a lot european movies (expectially French and Italian). My favourite movies are: Irčne Jacob

  1. All Krysztof Kieslowski movies
  2. The movies by/with Kenneth Branagh
  3. All the movies with Irène Jacob
  4. All the movies with Juliette Binoche
  5. The movies by Luc Besson
  6. Blade Runner, and Thelma and Louise by Ridley Scott
  7. 2001, a space Odyssey by Stanley Kubrick
  8. Metropolis by Fritz Lang
  9. Breaking the Waves by Lars Von Trier
  10. Most of the movies with Toto' (Antonio de Curtis)
  11. ... all the movies that have inside something new and attractive so they could be called . . . ART
As you probably imagine my favourite actresses are the beautiful Irène Jacob, and the fashinating Juliette Binoche. Though I like the first one a bit more, I have a fan page about Juliette, so if you like her too, or are just curious, please take a look! My favourite actors are Rutger Hauer (The Hitcher, Blade Runner, Ladyhawke ...), Gary Oldman ( Dracula, Leon ... ), Kenneth Branagh and Jean-Hugh Anglade.
Me in Greece (1996)

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