I Become Jaded in Spring

I don't mind the winter,
Winter's not so bad.
I'm rather fond of autumn,
Autumn's rather sad.
I don't mind the summer,
Summer I can see,
But something's wrong
When spring comes along,
It's just not the season for me.

Walking along in the park,
Walking alone in the park,
I see two lovers who kiss,
Two children who swing---
I'm not impressed by this,
I become jaded in spring.

Walking along in the woods,
Walking alone in the woods,
I see the leaves on the trees,
The wild flowers sway---
I'm left quite cold by these,
I become jaded come May.

In spring a young man's fancy
Turns to stone
If he's alone,
If he's alone.

Walking along by the shore,
Walking alone by the shore,
I find two sweethearts embrace,
Two orioles sing---
I quickly leave the place,
I become jaded in spring.

