Welcome Chez Lentini
Florence would be nicer, but you won't need your Baedeker here.


Chez Lentini Navigation

Hard-To-Find Thomas Cole Paintings

My favorite Cole paintings... Not easy to find on the Internet!
Top 100 Books

I'm working hard on the Modern Library Top 100 Novels list. Read my comments and check my progress. Other interesting links for each book included.
Rob and Kenn's Movie Page

Extra! Rob and Kenn have a long history of ranking movies as well as arguing about them. Come and see what these Siskel (or is it Pat?) and Ebert wannabees have to say about their favorite flicks.

I'm an aspiring amateur astronomer. How I view the heavens and my favorite astronomy links.

Recent personal pics. Updated every month... or so.

Click on the embarrassing pictures of my friends to check out their websites.

This page is Northwestern University friendly! Welcome Wildcat fans and random surfers. No Wildcats were harmed (yet) while constructing this page.

Under Construction! Watch for holes in the links!

Good linkage is key.

Credit for the dog work during construction of this page goes to Kenn and el maestro Matthew Savard. Email Kenn with complaints. Send compliments straight to me.