Castles In The Air

"Cherish your vision; cherish your ideals; cherish the music that stirs in your heart, the beauty that forms in your mind, the loveliness that drapes your purest thoughts, if you remain true to them, your world will at last be built." ~ James Allen

Greetings to all my visitors! I'm thrilled that you've come to see my humble page of HRH Prince William ficitonal stories. I honestly don't have much time to write, so it may be that updates will be few and far between. However, I'll do my best to please. I have started five stories so far, and I have a few more scraps of ideas floating around in my brain. Apparently, I can only be productive when I'm really busy. I'll do my best to keep updating, though. Last, but not least, I need feedback - please email me!!!

Well, here they are, I hope you enjoy:

Sixteen Candles Last Updated: 2/7
Moira Grey's life has consisted of futile wishes upon falling stars and childish dreams confided to the night. However, as Moira blows out the candles atop her sixteenth birthday cake, her whimsical faith and hope have quite an impact.

Will You Be Mine? Last Updated: 2/8
Emma Madison is the owner of a small piece of cyber space dedicated to the one and only Prince William. Soon after she creates her page, she begins to receive emails from "some guy;" they both discover they have a lot in common. Their correspondence becomes more frequent, and Emma finds herself becoming more and more attached...

My pride and joy:
Headlines Last Updated: 2/16
Fast forward. It's the year 2002, Kathleen Thomas is a journalism major who just received an internship at England's sleeziest tabloid. She hates the job, but she needs the experience. Kathleen's first assignment? Attend classes at Cambridge and follow around twenty year old Prince William. She's to find out any dirt she can, specifically who he's dating. Perhaps she'll get more experience than she expected.

Eternal Lines Last Updated: 2/16
A story about Harry (he's such a cutie =o), and a girl named Raina Donovan, who's a gifted writer of poetry. Somehow Harry happens upon one of Raina's poems, and falls in love with its writer without ever having met her. Are they soulmates? Is it meant to be? Read and find out...

Silent Vow (I need to think of a better title - lol!) Last Updated: 6/16
If you believe in love at first sight, then you have to read this story. If you don't belive in love at first sight, then what the hell are you doing here? j/k! =o)

Links to other sites on the Web

A Castle of Dreams (15 Prince Experiences)
Save Tonite
Wills' Links Central
And All the Girls Say, Will is Pretty Fly for a Shy Guy
Faith's Story Collection
Love, Dreams, and Fairytales

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Thank you to the people who have visited since December 28th, 1998

OK, before you go, I feel I need to inform you that this site is completely unofficial and at times utterly silly. But that's all right, right? If my childish attempts at fiction piss you off, go ahead and let me know. I'm willing to hear constructive criticism - the occasional pat on the back would be nice too.

If you have any suggestions, ideas for stories, or links, please e-mail me ~ I've deleted my geocities email account because... honestly... I couldn't figure out how to use it. My new email address is: - please email me at anytime, I'm always available!

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