
1.Download and unzip zsnesw515.No need to install or extract, just find the zsnesw515.exe file within the zip file, click on it to run

2.Download Boogerman from our website, no need to unzip this file, zsnes can read zip files now just play and enjoy

zsnes for windows
Boogerman game

Boogerman instructions:

1 Press Enter to start and pause
2 Pres "A" to flick booger
3 Use arrow keys to move
4 Down Arrow = bend over
5 From bent position press "X" to fart
6 From standing position press "X" to burp
7 Press "S" to say "Booger!"
8 Press "D" to look up
9 Press "Z" to jump
10 Press "C" to look down
11 Press Esc to quit