All About Stephanie (that's me)

to learn all about me (stephanie) just click my picture to your left
and this is me now (I'm 16 in this Picture)
Click on this
picture to see other photos of me
this is me in grade 9 (I'm 14 in this picture)
A Few Of My Favorite Things
I have many loves in life, but I think my big one is CATS I love them
Click on my friend fleix to the left of us and see many of the different cats things I love
Just ask any of my friends, and they'll tell you I'm am one of the BIGGEST Disney fans around... to find out how and why click the Disney logo to your right
I am very interested in a lot of things, everything from a-z and one of the thing I have auite a bit of knowloge in is Astrology , I still have a lot to learn but click here to see my page on it
I'm not the only one on the net with a web page *gasp* I know this is quite a shock... but my friends have done some fantastic work on their pages click here  to link to these wonderful pages
I love to write poetry and short stories if you would like to see some of the stuff I have writen just click on the book
Shakespere is on of the greatest writers of ALL time to find out more about him, his works, and my own little info on him click on him
I just love seanery I could just sit and look at the clouds in the sky, or the mountains, or just about anything so here I have some pictures of the sites that I think are breathtaking
my friend mandy sent me this dragon isn't he cute? thanks mandy!
hey, you're here and looking. why don't you sign my guestbook and tell me what you think and such...? it couldn't hurt. right?
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Some day soon i hopethat this page will be moving to a new home and updated with all that good stuff, to long has this page been untouched!