Brad's Photography Portfolio
Brad is a model in the 2000 Mr. Hit the Beach calendar which was shot on the Caribbean shores of Playa del Carmen, Mexico.
Brad's Photography Portfolio
Height: 6'
Weight: 160 lbs
Hair: Brown
Eye: Green
Waist: 30"
Inseam: 32"
Chest: 38"
Age: 37
Age Range: 25-35
City/State: Bloomington, Indiana
Thank you for your interest.   I've been busy           working with photographers to build this collection  of photos here in my on-line portfolio.  Once you     review the photos, please contact me so we can        discuss your interests and needs.  Thanks for           visiting!    -Brad
expandedVIEW      New photos for 2001
Extreme Fitness
Business Class
Hit The Beach
Black & White
Casual Friday's