Poetry, memory, play...Something new in Italy, something special...

El Barrio Tanguero - Il quartiere del Tango

Since 1990 in Turin there's a cultural Association open to all people who want to dance Tango,
to learn it, to improve it; they dance for passion, for fun, for amusing themselves
in a special dimension, breathing something new.
The association has no own residence: it's an ideal quarter that,
from the beginning, wanted to be El Barrio Tanguero.

 interpretazione musicale

NewsWhat's coming

TEN years holdWe are TEN years old !!!

Contact/HelpHow to get in contact

Year 2000 Calendar

OldEvents history

Music Show

TeachersOur teachers

LinksTango related resources

SevenMilongas in Turin

LinksNot only tango



This is our CD
This was published in occasion

of our Tenth Birthday Celebration.

English - Italiano





Informazioni su Torino.
Information about Turin.






El Barrio Tanguero è affiliato a:

Federazione Associazioni Italiane Tango Argentino

Since Feb. 1st 1999, you are visitor


thanks for coming !

For information call: Mario Savella ++39.011.898.75.17 or send us a message.

Last update: March, 10 2005