

As with all of my graphics, if you use these graphics you must give me credit, where credit is due, on the page where you use the graphics. This doesn't have to be using the logo graphic below which matches this set, but that would be my preference. You must at least provide a text credit to me linking back to this site. The code for either is located below.

To navigate through my site the buttons on each page are active. Please don't forget to sign my guestbook on your way out!

Remember Don't link to these graphics. Either right-click to save, or if you are using a Macintosh, hold the mouse button down and choose "save image as".

A final note: Email me to show me what you've done with my graphics.

For macintosh users, here is the background image:

Cut and paste this code to link to my page with the graphic:
< a href=http://geocities.datacellar.net/Paris/Palais/1111 > < img src=logo.gif > < /a >
Cut and paste this code for a text link:
Graphics by < a href=http://geocities.datacellar.net/Paris/Palais/1111 > Centaur's Lady < /a >

These and all graphics on this web page are copyright 1998-1999 Sasheena Anne McLean. All images used to create my background sets are, to the best of my knowledge, in the public domain and are copies of victorian paintings.