Hi my name is Heather My home is in Adelaide South Australia. I was born in England and came to Australia in 1972. I have been blessed with a lot of things in life but my most prized gift would be my six wonderful children Their names are Emma (28) Michael (25) Zarah(18) Gareth(17)  Briony (15) and Kirah (13) I hope to be able to place some photo's
of them for those who might like to see them.
I have been chatting on the net for about 18 months and I have made some wonderful friends from all over the world. I have been lucky enough to visit with a few. The idea of doing a home page was something I never thought I would do, but with encouragement from friends here I am.
Along the way I have been helped by a very talented friend and I would like to dedicate this page
to him as without his help I would never b here.
Thank you John.

Check out John's own home page there is a link (Steelie) at the bottom of this page and you can see just how talented this man really is.

I have been encouraged and inspired by so many people I'm sure you all know who you are. Thank You Friends for you support. I hope to get a page up and running shortly with my friends and their family's


"We create our own tomorrow's from what we dream today"






Riches & Gold
Angels Among Us
Message To Impart

Mother Of Mine

When I'm 64 oops 46
 Rose Bud
 A Good Aussie Site
An Angel For an Angel
 John's Garden


Apple Of My Eye

My Best Friend

We Will Meet At Heaven's Gates

 German John
Mike & Glenda
Jan Jacobsen

My Award Page