"The most important thing about you, is love."
First saw light:
March 25, 1972, Bamberg, Germany.

Fine Art Exhibitions:

Nincs Szomoru Borton", Bocskai Gallery, Budapest, Feb. 1997.
Uj Magyar Varos", Bocskai Gallery, Budapest, Feb. 1998.
Neighborhood Art Show" (group), College St. Gallery, Buffalo, NY, April 1998.
Paraszt: kolbasz?", Veroce Cultural House, Hungary, May 1998.
Gomola Gy. Barati Kozonseg" (group), Bocskai Gallery, Budapest, Nov. 1998.
Let's Abolish Descartes", Brownstone Bistro, Toronto on Yonge, Jan.-Apr. 2000.
Shapes of Women I Love", Caffe Aroma, Buffalo on Elmwood, Sept. 2000.
General Exhibition", Gallery Ohtemachi, Tokyo, Japan, Aug. 2001.
"de-fi-ni-tion Opening Gala", Buffalo, NY, May 5, 2002.

Photography Exhibitions:
Budapest Society of Young Artists, Budapest, Sept. 1997
Campos Center, CEPA, Buffalo, NY, Feb. 1998
Budapest Folk Festival, March 1998, (Prizewinner)
Barnes and Noble, Buffalo, NY, March 1998
College Street Gallery, Buffalo, NY, May 1998
University of Debrecen, Hungary, June 1998
Budapest Vigado, July 1998
Review of solo exhibition in Hungary, May 1998.
by Andras Zahonyi
"Uj Magyar Varos"
"New Hungarian City"

Brick, iron, 150 x 150 x 100 cm.
Budapest, 1998.
"Vigado Csangok
az Oszbe"

"Rejoicing Csangos
in the Autumn"

Oil, 70 x 90 cm.
Budapest, 1997.
"A Szent Magyar"
"The Holy Hungarian"

Oil, 50 x 65 cm.
Budapest, 1998.
Supporting Work
Can Art Save the World?
"Furcsa Bator Szerelem"
"Strange Brave Love"

Budapest, 1998.
Prose (text only)
"Mama's Cherries"
30 Poems on CD

Toronto, 2000.
Manfred Makra: in Tokyo
Art Manifesto (in Hungarian)
Contact The Self-Contained Culture World
Contact: rattlecage.rocks(at)gmail.com
Use English, Hungarian, Spanish, German or Japanese.
Check this out. It's about some ideas for the future.
Manifesto on

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"Sixteen new tracks have been recorded in blues, rock, industrial...The new LP "The Bird in the Cage" will be released soon...