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Suzi's Paradise
Hi everyone! Welcome to my lovely home, I hope you enjoy every
single minute! Before you wander off in my Paradise let me tell
you something about myself!
You all know by now, my name is Suzi but everybody calls me 'Suz'. In February, I'll turn 32...I'm getting old! Anyways, I lived with my parents in the United Arab Emirates since 1975 and right now I live in Lebanon...I visit UAE often to see my parents. UAE is a lovely place and I call it Paradise on earth. You should go there sometime and if you do,try to contact me, coz if I am there, I'll show you around!!
I graduated from college with a BA in Communication Arts- Film/Tv/Theatre Directing, hoping to become a Film Director or a Script Writer someday...who knows...there may be a second James Cameron or Steven Spielberg! NOTTTTT!!
It seems my dream has not come true yet coz it has been 7 years since I last wrote this. I think it might take a while now for things to happen. I just hope for the best!!!!
My first experience was a play I directed in college called "The Saxophone Man" written by Jonathan Calindas. It was a success! However, I had to go through the passage of life where there were a lot of ups and downs that diverted me from my goal. You know life is not what you expect!!! I never know whats awaiting me in the future, but all I hope that its something good.
Fun stuff inside!!!
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