I've made some simple programs on Basic programming language using (Visual Basic) , and other programming tools , I designed them , fixed them and added them here for free downloading :) . I hope you like it .. please don't forget to drop me your comment about the program you've downloaded , this will help me to improve my skills and add the best I can do to meet all demands. :) Yours, Ahmed

last update 25/Mar./2004
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Casho Screenshot 1

Casho Screenshot 2

(Casho! Your Cute Mate! )  SOON!
The First "Arabian Made" Software for a great Pc-Human interaction!
"Casho" is a software which gives you a cute mate named "Casho" to be your faithful mate on your PC screen it'll give you a huge website directory , E.mail checker , wisdoms , quotes and prayer saying , 3D animated character to interact with it , quick access to many free services .. and MORE! ...

Download From official website here


(AlDoaa AlMostagab)الدعاء المستجاب  NEW!
It's a great Program for all Muslims , it contains many sayings
our prophet Muhamed (PBUH) , which help us to arrange many things on our daily life..
Download it.. and you'll see how it  helps :)
it's a NEW , compact & Small Version , with a new list-viewing Style.. Hope U like it! :)

1- "AlDo3a2.Zip (203 KB)"
ver 2.0: release date: 20/2/2004 (Fixed Version)

(Pharmaceutic Calculator)  NEW!
The Pharmaceutic Calculator is a converting tool made especially for pharmacy Students to help them on composing drugs using the Metric and Imperial unit systems , This tool will help help you to convert between the different units on the one system , and to convert between two systems , also , I've added a tool for counting the Household measures like Spoonful and cupful which will help on writing the drug's lable.
it's small in size , and easy to use , enjoy!

1- "pharma.zip (118 KB)"
release date: 15/11/2003


(Fist Fighters!)
Fist Fighter is the famous original Rock , Paper & Scissors Game! :) .. Now you can play against the computer and collect the highest score :) .. The Game is made on a cool graphical interface with a random dynamics to give you a good & Strong Fighter! :)..
Please feel free to drop me any notes about this game which I really consider it one of my best things :)

1- " FistFighter.zip (167 KB)"
release date: 20/09/2003


(Crazy Hunter! )
CooL , Light and New Game for hunting :) .. you need to hunt as much ducks as u can ... avoid hitting friendly dogs or balloons.. the game is on 2 levels.. hope u'll enjoy it ;) ..
it's my first game.. and i'll update it as soon as i start getting ur comments and suggestions..

1- " crazyhunter.zip (74 KB)"
release date: 05/08/2003



(Learn "Front Page for Web Design" )
تعلم تصميم مواقع الانترنت
This is a lesson :) , about : how to design a web page using FrontPage ? . this lesson is made by me as a PowerPoint presentation ., so you need MS PowerPoint installed on your computer.. I think most of us already have it.
this lesson give you the required principles for making an interactive website and how to host it for free on the internet . hope u'll get the total benefits from it .

1- " learnFpage.zip (2.26 MB) "
release date: 28/06/2003


(Perfect Body)
Small and Very Cool program which helps you to count your over weight , and gives you 3 types of Chemical Diets to help in getting a Perfect Body :) , try it .. and thank me late ;)

"PerfectBody.Zip (121 KB)"
ver 1.0 :release date: 08/7/2002


For Corporations and Businessmen , Please E.mail me if you're interested on any
of these projects , and want to buy them for commercial distribution.

.. More Coming Soon ..

©All Software on this section are designed and posted by: Ahmed Saeed ,
 and they are Free for PERSONAL Use only.
Please Report any errors or bugs on my software by writing me to : ahmedsaed@yahoo.com
 E.Mail Me
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© Done By: Dr.Ahmed Saeed