Wind & Water Ring

Feng Shui for Wholistic Healing

The first book I read about Feng Shui told me that if I suspected a lover of cheating, I was to place a vase in SW corner of my living room with a red rose in it. If my lover moved the vase, I could be sure he was cheating; if he left it, he was faithful. Luckily, I thought there had to be more to it than that, and found another book. There does seem to be a lot of discrepency in the world of Feng Shui, and that is why I choose to call it a philosophy, rather than, say, a science. I hope the information in this site will help you to understand this art as flexible, and realize that much of it is psychological, and therefore very personal. In time, you will learn to figure out what your Feng Shui philosophy is and how you can use it to your own benifit. Some parts of it, I should add, are universal. See the section on space clearing for information on purifying your living space so that you may build your own presence there, and also on the universal laws of Chi, which is the life force energy that is in and around and through everything living.

  • feng shui traditions
  • feng shui for the new millenium
  • i-ching
  • space clearing
  • Personal Energy Clearing
  • feng shui links
  • Get your life running smoothly!

    since november 1999

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