kajirae training page
those who have come to learn
Greetings, this one is a slave on the planet Gor. she is pleasing and sensual at the command of the Master's of Gor. she is property and can be sold and used freely and openly. this girl loves to serve and pleasure her Master in any way that she can.
        this page is designed to help train and teach others who wish to find that fire in their belly to serve and please. To help guide and lead in the right direction of true Gor. This page will be updated as much as possible so please come back from time to time. leave a message on the board or guestbook and a girl will be happy to answer any questions that Y/you might have. this girl would appreciate any ideas, links ect, that could help this one further.
thank You.
my avatars
*Gorean positions
*slave pricing
slave VS submissive info
*slave attire
*Gorean Numbers
*serve guidelines
*Gorean Foods
*Gorean Drinks
*slavery tips
*kajira names