A few of my closest friends have suggested that I try my hand at writing childrens' books, including the illustration. The truth is, I would LIKE to do it, but I just don't see it as a feasible use of my time at the moment. But that doesn't mean I don't sketch out the cartoons and fantasy figures that trip through the recesses of my inner child. They aren't particularly artistic, very seldom have any realistic proportion, much less texture or color...but they are fun. Plain and simple. I owned crayons and playdough and finger paints long before I had a daughter. And maybe it is healthy to regress into childhood every once in a while...

As far as the art of others goes, I am an avid fan of true artistry. I try tovisit galleries and exhibits as often as my schedule permits. A personal favorite, I have to admit, is Renoir. I also have a personal friend who works in Portland, Oregon, whose art I have always greatly admired. I have three of his pieces hanging in my there is a tribute!

As mediums, I prefer pastel and colored pencil for work that I am serious about. I use a great deal of color and art in my classroom, which is something like a canvas for all my teaching artistry. For straight out play, I use crayons and acrylic paints, which also I use when painting TOYS, a particularly entertaining passtime. I have painted countless numbers of the little wooden joys for the HAPPY FACTORY which delivers them to a sorting center to supply needy children all over the world. Not only good for the creativity, it is also good for the heart. I have been known to sling a little paint on friends and family members, and in fantastic realms online (MUDS, see my fantasy page) I painted everything bright colors. Coincidentally, my favorite colors are deep, darkish emerald green and the purple that is so dense it is almost plum....

I range in taste from Pre-Raphaelite to contemporary digital anthropomorphic and pagan art. My favorite contemporary artists are:

A Andrew Gonzalez
Meilin Wong
Jean Paul Avisse
Myles Pinkney
Denton Lund
Jonathon Earl Bowser