X_Drive's Home Page
Even though I started this page back in June of 1998, I only have an exciting happening one or twice a year, so don't expect changes here every month.
If you get here early, you might not see too much but please check back.  The most recent addition here is the new coverage of our recent trip to Europe.  May and June of 2005 were filled with plane rides, bus rides, boat rides, pictures, walking, eating, walking, sitting, walking, and enjoying.  Soon you will see as many pictures as I can get uploaded.  I hope you enjoy looking as much as we enjoyed taking. Just click the link at the right

This is the Smooth Jazz group I have been following and enjoying for about twenty years.  They have been together for about twice that long.  They don't look it, but they got together in high school and have just gotten better and better every year and every song since.  If you like the sound of keyboard, guitar, percussion, drums and bass, then this is the group for you.  And I would be more than happy to help you get any of their CDs. 

Click on the arrow to go to a link page.
Here are a couple of pictures of me.  Not that I need to show off, but this gives you a chance to see who I am.  If you've seen me lately, you know I don't let my hair get even this long anymore.  Short is better.  Even to the pont of being as short as my beard.  So that's what I've done.  It means a haircut every two weeks but it's easy and quick, and I can even do it myself.

Gosh, come to think about how old they are....
nearly seven years.  Yike!
These were both taken in early 1998, with my Kodak DC50 digital camera.  Another shot with it is the one below taken just down the road from my house a few miles.  How many people can claim that they have a street by this name in their town?
We took a long deserved vacation in June 2002, and drove 3,000 miles to see family and the land north of us.  That means Oregon, Washington, and Nevada.  While we were looking we used our camera to get some great shots. Just click on the links below to see them.
X's Vacation Pictures Page 1
X's Vacation Pictures Page 2
And now for something very special.
On July 12th 1998 I was out in my backyard.  I noticed a small colorful butterfly flitting its way around the yard.  I held my hand out and asked it to come and see me.  Can you believe this..  IT DID!   It lit on my hand and stayed for about two minutes.  And each day that summer, when I was out in the yard in the late afternoon it came and touched me again.  This continued for over a month.  Finally, on August 17th, 1998 my wife was able to take the following pictures to show to all my friends (believers or not).  :)
Are you interested in seeing a showcase type bedroom?  Do you enjoy a super-romanitc look?  This was no quick fix type change.  If you haven't yet seen my master-bedroom, I guarantee it will be worthwhile.  And I'm not in any of the pictures either.  ;)
X's Bedroom
And of course, my page wouldn't be complete without a couple of shots of the better half of my life for the last 41 years.  But how can that be?  She can't be more than about 27 years old??  At least she looks that good to me.  She not only does most of the work around here but makes me a good teammate and is my best friend.  I couldn't be what I am without her help and support.  I do a great job of being a good husband but I think she still has me in training.  I have even learned to take the trash out once in awhile.
Pretty good looking lady, huh?!?!  I have lots to be proud of.
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Not exactly sure what to put down here.  Actually, I'm not sure I can hold your attention long enough for you to get all the way down here.  But if I did, thanks for stopping by and please come again.
© 1997 x_drive@hotmail.com

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