Feel free to have a look round Philonski's teenage site. It's ancient, but for the most part, fully functional. If you want to see what the grown-up Philonski is getting up to, have a look at www.audiopop.co.uk.
Sick of other people interrogating you all the time? Let Philonski do it for them. Take part in The Vote.

Meanwhile, the Page of Self Indulgence has at last been given a *NEW* question. Excellent stuff.

Dear Philonski

Philonski's Photo Casebook

Vernon Steel

Philonski's Pop Adventure

The Pie Shop




Caption Competition

Some Pylons

Cheese Alive!

Clifford Montgomery: a biography

Learn to speak the language of the Cheesecake!

Philonski's Absolutely Indispensable Dictionary of Alike Things

Goldibeard and the Three Badgers

Silver Sun

Philonski sentences her evil landlady to years in Hell. Ha ha ha ha haaaaaaa...

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