Hide and Seek!

This week, Philonski is hiding somewhere in your garden. Do you think she's up a tree? Behind the wendy house perhaps? Where do you think she might be?

Name: Beard
E-mail: rd232@hotmail.com
Philonski's hiding... Behind the antelope.

Name: Sally
E-mail: zebra@beer.com
Philonski's hiding... Behind the silver sun, near the golden moon, in the pond, who cares? It's a beautiful day, the sun is shining, and Philonski is not here with me to spoil it. Aaah... (no offence, Philonski...)

Name: The Ultrafoetus
E-mail: davidbusby@saqnet.co.uk
URL: http://geocities.datacellar.net/SunsetStrip/Arena/6372/home.html
Philonski's hiding... I thought I was supposed to be hiding... No wonder this game was taking so long!

Name: Pablo Honey
E-mail: P.J.Edwards@acoustics.salford.ac.uk
Philonski's hiding... In my back passage. Y'know the one, next to the garage.

Name: Dan
E-mail: new_dinosaur@hotmail.com
URL: http://geocities.datacellar.net/Paris/Rue/4974
Philonski's hiding... Aha! I know! She's turned herself into a box and put herself in it!

Name: Bahgui
E-mail: treblekicked@placidcasual.fsnet.co.uk
URL: www.placidcasual.fsnet.co.uk
Philonski's hiding... Under the Pavement.
Name: sam
Philonski's hiding... hdhf
Name: Wendy
E-mail: rog117012midwest.net
Philonski's hiding... Up in a tree.What's a Wendy house?
Name: eeeeyan
E-mail: eeeeyan@farts.com
Philonski's hiding... In Goch, as no one in their right mind would go there to look for her!
Name: sam
Philonski's hiding... right next to the letter 'r'. you'll see er right there if only you look hard enough...

Where Philonski's probably hiding: