A Page Just About Me

Do you really want to know??

Sheesh, ok time to update this site folks. It's been awhile since I've even attempted to work on this site, so bear with me.

Well, for starters, I am 29 and 5'4". You can see from my pics I have long blonde hair and big blue eyes. I recently married a man I met through the internet (you believe that? LOL) I met him a few years back on ICQ...I never thought things would turn out so wonderfully. We have 6 wonderful kids who are our life.

Here's pics of our wedding. :o)

You know it's funny. Throughout life we all strive for things, work to make things happen. Never in all of my life did I ever think life would be so kind to me. I ended up with my dreams coming true even though at times I wonder if anyone truely deserves so much happiness. Even if I don't deserve it, I sure am glad I managed to get it. I look at my husband... who is my soul mate... and i wonder how I got so lucky. I look at my kids and realize that they're better than I ever dreamed. I look at my step-children and realize such pure love is hard to find on this world. I simply couldn't ask for anything more. My life is complete.

Want to know more? Come inside for pictures, stories, and poems from and about me!
~smile~ Come on in and Enter My Domain!!
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