The Paris Vampire Resource Page




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Paris, the city of beauty, elegance and dark secrets. Lying at the heart of all things are the eternal vampire, who rule the city secretly hidden behind the facade of human retainers and ghouls. Set in 1789, on the brink of the French Revolution, in a world struggling with a overwhelming desire for freedom, does our story take us.

Welcome to our World of Darkness

The Paris Vampire Chronicles: Dead in the City of Light


"Welcome to the Long Night, childe. Come and learn the secrets of an ancient race that comes alive after the last rays of sun have fled the sky and that hides in the darkness or at the foot of the children's beds. A whole new world lies within, just waiting to unfold before your unbelieving eyes. Run with the Children of Caine through the moonless nights of the World of Darkness, learn their lore and solve their mysteries- for you have become one of them."

- Vampire the Dark Ages Companion, White Wolf.

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