I might fail to be there
to fuck when necessary
so I don't go anywhere
at all.
Being at your disposal 24/7
thrills me beyond compare.
Once I dreamed of being something;
Now I dream if being with someone,
as much as possible.
Ready to join.
Ready to merge.
Ready to fuck.
All hours of the clock.
The bells chime one
yet my weary bones find no rest
for want of you.
You, on the road,
You, in harm's way,
You, out of my arms,
You, too far away
for me to reach out and touch
You hung up the phone
a little too quickly.
Do you grow tired of me
Or is it just that someone else
is more interesting?
I've already signed the deed
over to you.
I am yours.
No turning back.
But sometimes I wonder
what I get in return.
What I want to do more important than
what they all say I need to do.
All I want to do is you,
is to be with you.
My body shivers in pain
when I'm without
Is that good?