What are you looking at?
My Life - As close to an autobiography as I'm likley to get.
Contact me

Stay tuned as I update these pages!

Current Studies

University Course

I am now into my final year of a B.Sc/B.Eng degree at the University of Western Australia. I completed the Computer Science part in 1996, majoring in Information Technology. Last year I returned to Civil Engineering where I am doing Honours in thisi ('99), my final year. My Thesis topic will be something like "Incorporating Non-Motorised Traffic Into The EMME/2 Traffic Model".

What else I get up to (or how to make a day 30 hours long)

Belly Dancing

I am currently Australia's only male professional Middle Eastern performer and teacher. But you thought men don't belly dance? Think again because there's more to the dance than Hollywood has led you to believe. Belly dancing as we know it is still part of the Arabic culture. In Perth, Belyssa is the most widely recognised and respected.

Check out the web pages for Rotaract in Australia at
Dance! UWA
Dance! UWA is a uni club for those who want to dance, no matter what its shape or form. Some people come into the club having participated in High School dance programs such as the Rock Eistedfodd. Their choice of Uni courses might not allow them to continue studying dance formally. The club organises regular workshops and occasionally prepares for shows.


Telerobot The Telerobot at UWA
Jokes Hahahahaha! Jokes time - One-liners as well as some interesting quotes. What is love?.
Poems Some of my prime rhymes! All original Poems by GT!

Friends of mine...

And just in case you're interested, to use WinNT profiles with Netscape 4:
Set shortcut target to: "PathToNetscape" -P"%username%"

Looks snazzy doesn't it?
people have beaten you to this site.
(Since 28/08/99. 1450 or so between 3/11/97 and then)

If you want to find me, good luck on these media...

3/50 Buckingham St
Surry Hills NSW 2010
Phone/Fax (prefix all by 61 country code and 2 area code)
Home: 9318-0122
Mobile: 0407-985-751

Created: 19/07/96 Updated: 27/02/00