"Friends are the angels who lift us to our feet when our wings have forgotten how to fly"

We are thankful for and love all of our amazing friends!! First we want to tell you how we met :-)*

It was 8th grade~1997 and we were assigned seats in Ms. Rubinsteins' Algebra class. We were put near each other and started chatting. We decided to entertain ourselves with our CraZiNesS and jokes! We went to different high schools but we became closer than ever!! Some of our fun adventures include RENT and the May 15, 1999 *NSync concert!!

We couldn't live without our quirky ways and of course* our friendship! We also couldn't survive without our other amazing buds, so we just want to say something to all of you who have touched our lives :)*

"You don't need a certain number of friends, just a number you can be certain of!"


~Nat's Buds*~

Meggie: MG~I LOVE YOU!! You are sooo awesome and this page is the best! :) BOBBY is the greatest! I'll never forget Super Calculator and Piggy!! ........off to fight conspiraies!!!!~~May 15th and how we were able to hear RENT!! No day but today! We are super cultured :)~nono teenyboppers!~oh and we can't forget naty and naty the horse~~I HAVE to visit ya in Cali!! LYLAS**hugs 'n' kisses*

Sara: I am so happy that we were reunited @ Tony Romas!! We love David'n'Jared~~Teen mag comes out soon .....me can't count!!~most wannabe! lol* i mean wannable~~need help w/that chicken?!? we have sooo many funny times ((weird people follow us!!))~~what are movies?!?! they exist!! thanx soo much for listening to me complain!! :)~~luv ya!!

Laura: Choate was awesome!! We got CONNECTed ~hehehe~purple is the best color!!~~remember our dance?!?! I MISS YA TONS!!

Meera: Luv ya Mee-Ra, help me reaveal my inner b*tch!!, we want to go to anne dover, i need more clothes!, its just a number game!, "men will respect anything that bores them!!"~am i moody?!~ i'm a ditz~"the worst thing in life is to be ordinary"~~~where can we sign up? NSync!!! yes!~i AM independent!! i'll desgin your dress for the oscars!!*FrAcTaLs!!*

Mellie: I MISS YOU!! We love Monkichi and Pippo!! Monkeys are awesome except Monkey #2!!~Fun in math!!~algebra 1!!!~~oh no! mrs. r says i cant eat that!!! Rocket Man and Moust Hunt rule!! The Nat and Mellie Show!!~what happened to the Exeter guy?!? yey* you're moving back!! our very cool notebooks!!~~luv ya bunchies!

Daisy: Let's talk about our loves!!! Awwww what a cutie!! So is he going to ask me out soon?!?! Lets do math!! Lets go shopping!!! ~can u say ambiguous symbols!! "the worst way to miss some one is when you are standing right next to them and know u cant have them!!!" we know where our relationships are going.....hows your passions?!?!am i boring??~~NO!!!~~hehe* 637!! XoXo

Holly: luv ya~~~we are anti-pills/stairs/____- and --____'s mom/geometry!! ~we luv purple~~~we're blond!! i want a tan!!!! my awesome navel ring!~is it real?!?! lol*

Hey Heather, Jeff(?), Dana, Alex, Sam, Rachel(s), Cecy, Jen, Jackie, Jason, Becky, Amor, Steve, Brooke, James, Kyla, Danny!!, Annie, Liz, Jessie, Nicole, TT, Candy, Christina, and every one from Northwestern '99~~~ I LOVE YOU ALL!!!!!! <3muah<3 XoXoXo


*meggie's groupie*

Natalie: Sweetie, you know you have a special place in my heart! We've had so many moments, esp. nsync and rent (which we could hear!)! All our little *things* will always be treasured ~ You need to come to CA this summer to we can chill, or else who am i going to be cultured with?

Christin: Hi, you DVey person, you. What is there to say to a person's twin? You're the sister I think I never had. We've shared so much and are truly two of a kind. I look to the summer...spot...

Erin: Air-Bear, I miss you so much! I still have all our *classic chats* printed out in my folder! So cute! And Bork... too bad he died, he was cool while he lasted...

Valerie: good and evil project! yey! hey, how come we haven't talked in a while? that's depressing... we need to im each other... and are you going to make a pit stop in the luvly bay area while on vacation? hmm? i hope we can get together sometime!

Jennifer (JK): We'll always have Paula! And guard! lol! And furbys! YUM! New York was so fun! Too bad I won't be in band this year for you to share a room with, lol!

Karen: I still have our notebook! OMG! and i found your easter letter to me just now! with the pic of you and val at the retreat! i wish i coulda been there!! so, when are ya coming to visit me, huh?

Sara: Hun! It's so depressing we only met like right before I left, but what can you do? You're such a sweet person and I hope we stay in touch for a long time!

Kelly: I can't wait for you to come down (or over!) cos it's going to be so fun! Remember when you came to Florida for my confirmation? Those are good times... good times... And we'll have to get together to go shopping when i visit, cos i'm sure i won't have to spend any of my money! heehee!

Amy: Remember when we used to be identical? lol! We were so cute! I remember I'd always come over your house and we'd play all day! That's what cousins are for! i can't wait until friday! i'm coming up (or over, in my case)! we can finally see each other! yey!

Cassy: hey looser #2! too bad you're not vegan anymore... oh well -- i guess it just wasn't meant to be. remember to give me the negatives for the murder pictures. for those of you reading this that are not cassy, never you mind. norm's party was so fun! i can't believe we made $60 for sitting on our asses!

Shelby: hey Shelby! let's get together this summer to be freaks and feel the feathers and eat humans! lol! and we could marvel at how much we have in common... like mr. rogers... lol! and be sure to tell everyone that this survey really is yours. minus the vegan typo. (: and we have to get together to work on our list of 98 sisters. cos, you know, we are 2 of 100. no humidity.

muchos nombres: just names here. hey to jasmine, michelle, caroline, colleen, emily, kristy, leigh, gia, megan, nare, madeleine, kirsten, jenny, omg i think i'm naming everyone i know! antonella, damita, patricia, and all of my cousins. if you stumble across this page and want your name up here and i know you (yes, i have to know who you are), let me know cos heaven forbid i forgot your name!

For all: I miss all of you! You should all come and visit! There's always a room here, just let me know you're coming!

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