Audrey's Little Fiefdom
Soo this is my page all about me...  n I'm supposing since yer here you wanna know about me...

Well, I'm 28, female, duh! a mommy, and currently single.  Single's best because it let's me pick and choose who I wake up next to instead of having to always know ahead of time.  Just kidding.  Well, not really.  But kinda kidding.  Anyway, so more about me. 

I'm a sales manager for a bedding manufacturer.  Basically that means I'm in retail.  Didn't I outgrow this once before?

My little boy is my own promise of heaven.  He's wonderfully perfect.  And to think, I made him!  What a talent I have discovered in myself!  He's a gemini.  (Imma taurus since i forgot to put that in anywhere else yet.)

Let's see.  My favorite movie is Gone with the Wind.  My favorite actress is...  Man, do I have to pick only one?  do I have tp pick one at all?
My favorite actor is well, hmm, I dunno, but Matthew McConaghey is awfully yummy doncha think?

My favorite book is The Witching Hour, by Anne Rice.  (The Sleeping Beauty Trilogy is also a mighty hot read if ya get the chance.)  My favorite author though is Hemingway. 

My favorite song in Under the Boardwalk, specifically when Otis Redding is singing it.

And I think (yes! I do think!) that that just about covers it.
This is me...  New pics coming soon
My Favorite Links:
My Roomate
The Uglies Pages
Eli's Birth Announcement
All About Eli
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OceanJwl and Cece's Page