Dog with perfect paws
Run with me to the wet woods.
Shall we return home?

Jean and Roxie
Jean Lester

Jean and I go back so far I can't believe it myself! Actually, we met in school and were artists on the yearbook committee, although I can't remember actually doing much work! She lives in the glorious Okanagan valley famous for apples, peaches and fires with Walter (man), Roxie (dog) and Kish (cat.) She and Roxie dog walk (almost) every day along Mission Creek whatever the weather. Currently working on her fifth career, Jean works at the Regional Library teaching people how to use computers.

Walter and Roxy with a Walter-made
windmill on a nice Spring day in March

Down feather falling
Down, float to the soft earth down
Soar now bird, fly high.

Golden days shorten
Autumn wind rustles dry grass
Fall leaves clatter down.

Black horse paws the earth
His brown eyes stare, head lowered.
Do I have sweet hay?

To write this poem
I just need a single thought.
Wait, or is it two?

I love you, my dear
You are perfect, my darling
Now change, my sweetheart.

White clouds hover low
Bright sun melts them away.
Blue mountains appear.

Trees iced with soft snow
White trails untrodden, beckon
White sky meets white earth.
Pull navel to spine
Shoulders down, head up, heel first
Walking is tricky.
Her dog tags jingle
Oh where does her nose lead her?
As she thunders past
Warm cat lump purring
I stroke your silken striped coat
Purr here beside me.

Jean Lester
Copyright © 2003