Inside this Newsletter...The usual.....only more frequent!....well except for this time!



Editor - Fran Gabino ( Webmaster - Larry Verkeyn (
Inside this issue: The (UN)usual, only smaller!

It’s been a wild and wholly year! Loved every minute.

In spite
of the fact I slipped up on the "Bitching Post" newsletter, many of you have been kind enough to keep in touch anyway. I thank you for that! It’s a joy hearing from you....sad that my email has petered to a trickle, my daily dose of snail mail down to next to nothing. WHAAaaaaa. Of course I KNOW the cure - get back to the Post! :O) Easier said than done while in the throes of writing book number two! Am clipping along nicely, spewing out about a chapter a week!

2000 was indeed a banner year! The book selling activities a joy and GREAT spirit lifter....that too peters out a bit as time moves on, though. I think we’ve sold about 800 to date.... sounds wonderful, but not, when you understand that the profits are split amongst many. All bookstores/commercial sellers get a big cut of the pie. I’m not complaining though - "Being out there" is joy enough for me!

June found me in Arlington Heights IL for a 3-day Sons of Norway District convention, which was GREAT as I got to revisit many dear, old friends. AND make some money, selling books!

The big trip in September was the highlight of my year.... Thank you Ms. Marite Butners, for making it possible. Trained out to Seattle, spent two weeks with Marite, then we winged to Alaska! for four days. WONDERFUL scenery and "aura" - If I were younger I’d move there! Honest! I was told before I left that "odds" were great - esp. in Anchorage, where we were based. Marite straightened me out on THAT misconception - SHE said, "The odds ARE good,, but the goods are odd."

I've spent a lot of time in KMart during Nov. and now into Dec. Back as a GREETER! - Great for the pocketbook but hell on the old feet. I do weekends, as well as my regular, two day, three hour stints. The weekend gigs are for eight hours each....sometimes tough going. Esp. the day after Thanksgiving when I almost tore out the remaining hairs on my head - trying to keep the natives stocked with carts! I myself finished all my shopping the first week in Nov. & put it all on layaway. Will be spending Christmas Eve at the Sis. "Day" - Spent Thanksgiving with her and her son John’s family, in So. Range.

I have had some GREAT base touchings with old So. Superior friends. Bonnie Andrews Drake, Betty Anderson Peters, Jaci Little Peterson, Shirley Johnson Lindberg, Janice Hammer LaGesse, and Barbara Johnson Turner. Barbara relocated from Omaha NE to Milwaukee WI this year. I also met up with Jimmy Schneeberger, the bro. of a best friend (MaryAnn) from grade school, who is gone, now. He gave me her wonderful collection of grade school grad. snaps. Eddie Zelma, a So. Superior neighbor is waiting in the wings to bring me MORE old photos. It is SO nice of everyone to keep me in mind.

I only hope I can be more faithful in keeping you all posted on the news from the North in 200l. Meantime.....




Volume 9 issue 4
Volume 9 issue 5
Volume 9 issue 6
Volume 9 issue 7
Volume 10 issue 1
Volume 10 issue 2

Fall 2000

Crocodile Tears and Lipstick Smears

buy the book @ Amazon
or at Savage Press

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Crocodile Tears and Lipstick Smears
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Cyber Edition

Editor - Fran Gabino
Web design: LV Multimedia
Crocodile Tears and Lipstick Smears
buy the book @ Amazon
or at Savage Press

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