Disclaimer: X-Man, the X-Men, and Overpower belong to Marvel Entertainment Group. Rose, David, and Sabre belong to me.  

A short note to everyone who read my last story, “Young Hearts”: Same characters, different story. This story’s based on a dream I had not too long ago. It will give you more information about Nate, David, Rose, and a few others. But keep in mind, this all happened seperate from “Young Hearts.” Think of it as an Elseworlds thing. Around this time, Nate and Rose are just kids, while David (he’s alive in this story...for some of it, anyway) is just a few years older than Nate. It’s all about being different...genetically. In simpler terms, being a mutant. But what’s worse: knowing that you’re a mutant and trying to hide it from others that would fear and hate you, or not knowing you’re a mutant, only to have your mutant powers manifest suddenly? This is my version of it, and I hope you all enjoy it.

Puppy Love

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Part 6

Part 7 1