Wow! You made it! Thanks for stopping by!*VBS*

Welcome back to my page if you are a repeat visitor. If you just happened to stumble in here...I'm glad you made it! This site is mainly about my family and I. I am also an avid (I chose that word instead of just sounds better) chatter, so you will see references to that part of my life as well. So, without further we go!

My name is Monica, or *Belle*, or *Southern Belle*, or whatever I'm in the mood for at the time...*G* I live in South Carolina with my husband and our son, and I teach fifth grade at a super school in the upstate. I graduated from Clemson University way back when the football team was decent, but I'm keeping my fingers crossed that Tommy Bowden will perform miracles and get us back on track!

I've been chatting for nearly five years now, and I've met some really super people online. I've also been fortunate enough to meet most of them in real time. *VBS* I've travelled to Louisville, KY, Atlanta, GA, and Nashville, TN over the course of the last several years to spend fun filled weekends with people I've met online. My wonderful friend Cheryl even came all the way from Newfoundland to visit me for a week last summer. You'll see pictures of her along with tons of my other online friends by just clicking on the Friends button at the bottom of this page. *BS*

Speaking of picture pages, you'll find pictures of my family and I by clicking on the Family button below. Let me go ahead and warn may see a picture or two of my son while you're perusing through those pages. I know that may come as a surprise to some of you. *L*

I created a links page that is divided into three sections...Really Useful Sites...Really Useful Kids Sites...and Really Useful Manly Man Sites. I'll let you figure out which section belongs to whom. It shouldn't be too hard. *L* Just click on the Links button below to get there.

Picture Pages          Online Friends Links
Vacation Pictures    Here are some pictures from our vacation to Myrtle Beach, SC a month or so ago!
Vacation Pictures Here are some pictures from our cruise to the western Caribean last October!

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