
[05 february 03]

* happy birthday joannie!!!
* started art classes at the corcoran yesterday, we painted with rocks and mulch
* have been eating a lot to celebrate chinese new year
* having another fondue party tonight at ann's place, yippee
* living in dc is better once the weather improves :)
* it is now warm enough to go jogging outside, that's the best
* going to belize with chi in march, need to buy a 'lonely planet'

[27 january 03]

* i still dislike living in dc
* start volunteering next week with senior citizens
* hoping to work with a chinese family
* have been watching too many reality shows lately, need to stop!

[15 january 03]

* switzerland was a great way for me and daniel to celebrate our one year
* saw two old friends, mark and wolf...
* also met a new friend, sampat, on my flight there
* i didn't watch my diet at all over the break and now i've gained some weight :P
* it's ok, i'll just go work out everyday and eat grass for the next year ;)
* hopefully will be having friends over for fondue this weekend
* jiyoun stayed the night yesterday, cool little chica

[11 december 02]

* wow, it's been a while since i've updated this page
* saw a cool jazz piano performance last week at the kennedy center
* their "silent night" medley was especially cool
* happy 11 month anniversary daniel (one more month!)
* i am having some serious doubts about architecture now
* as i grow older, i wonder if compromising my ideals for money is a good idea...pragmatically speaking
* hope to go ice skating this weekend!

[11 november 02]

* this probably is not as detailed as my other blog, but i'll try to keep it up to date
* had a very uneventful weekend and got much needed rest
* ate some very tasty chili fries after the concert last week
* i think i'm gonna start volunteering for habitat for humanity
* or do some service at a senior citizen home
* can't wait to see my wonderful family in two weeks! :)
* happy 10 month anniversary, daniel!!!

[5 september 02]

* this probably is not as detailed as my other blog, but i'll try to keep it up to date
* spent the weekend shopping for furniture, found a sofabed and a butcher block (only $5, yeah!!)
* also got some lovely japanese pottery ($0.50 apiece)
* i start work on monday, can't wait to add structure to my life again
* hmmm, i hope i'm not getting boring by being in a relationship, it's easier to stay interesting when you're single
* reading a funny book about historical royal's like an "enquirer" from the 13th century, hahaha
* addicted to twining's earl grey tea (w/ honey and milk)... can't get enough of the stuff

[25 august 02]

* sorry for the lack of updates, we were on the road for nearly 2 weeks w/o net access
* passed through st louis (hi debbie), chicago (hi relatives), and cleveland (hi eliot) on the way to dc
* san francisco was so much fun, i loved seeing aunt lisa, uncle victor, coby and charlie (their dogs)
* in addition to cindy's wedding in napa, we saw santa cruz , monterey, and big sur... we watched the sunset from pfeiffer beach
* met up with my old buddy, dardy... he hasn't changed a bit hee hee... i hope he quits smoking though!
* i love redwood and ginko trees. i want two of each
* daniel and i are running out to buy more furniture (TV! we're addicted to 'blind date' and 'elimidate' right now)

[24 july 02]

* back in dallas, spending lots of quality time with my family (we're painting tonight!)
* went to the doctor today, then hung out w/ daniel all afternoon
* i am in a scrabble rut, daniel won't be beating me for much longer (hear that, daniel? eh? eh?) ;)
* clubbing over the weekend was mucho fun, cool and diverse crowd at the club
* my mom's been teaching me some more yummy chinese dishes in anticipation of my move
* gonna make a pit stop in chicago to hang out on the way to DC
* looking forward to cindy's wedding in napa next month, woohoo! my party bud is gettin' married *sniff*

[15 july 02]

* now that my architecture program is over, i'm gearing to move to dc
* met lots of great friends and went through a great deal of frustration and triumphs
* got a vitruvius book, a francis ching graphics book, and some postcards yesterday
* i am out of shape, goin' to the gym and maybe the Vines show tonight
* had lunch with tony yesterday and am hanging out with brother allen for dinner, yay!
* hmmm, i'm kind of sad to leave austin again, i love this city :(
* i miss my sisters! they are so cute and lovable!!