DK1098's Homepage
Yay! Welcome to my homepage. I've finally had time to update it. This is currently the 4th version of my homepage and although it's a simple design, I'm happy with the way it looks. But if I get bored during my holidays, don't shoot me for changing the design!

So, what's been happening lately? I guess the best news by far is that I have revived both of my Evangelion sites; 'Reflections of EVA' and 'Symphony of EVA'. It's actually been a while since I've done any work on my websites. I think I closed my Evangelion sites in July, 2000. That's a long time ago! And because I was required to close down the best websites I had created, I just lost all interest in designing other websites. But now I've brought them both back without the image gallery and the MP3 archive. Do you think people will still visit? Well, I think you can set an example and visit it now! I love the new design and I think I can call it my best work again.

I've also got some other websites hosted here. My Sailor Moon image gallery, 'Images Under the Moonlight', is still the same. I also have a popular PSP 5 tutorial site called 'DK1098's Web Graphics'. 

So have a look around. I hope that you enjoy your stay.