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A Rose A Day For A
Special Friend

Each flower has a special song to sing:
The lilies, tall and dignified and white,
Trill classic arias that thrill the night.
Some flowers have a jaunty little fling;
Petunias, zinnias, daisies shout and swing
With gay abandon, ditties rhythmic, bright,
While sweet peas, in their voices soft and light,
Croon love songs and gently arch, fluttering.

But roses do not need to sing or speak;
When they appear, the other flowers seem
To fade away; their colors dim and blur.
Here is the perfect beauty all men seek,
The mystery, the magic, and the dream.
The rose is silent; poets sing for her.
Gwendolyn Niles

Here is proof of a Creator: God made manifest;
In this little rose we see divinity expressed.

May your day be filled will roses and smiles!

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