
This page is dedicated to my love whom I lost May 4, 1999 to suicide.  He is a beautiful soul that I carry with me everyday.  I hope to carry on his memory and show his love to the world.


I held a jewel in my fingers
And went to sleep
The day was warm, and winds were prosy;
I said: "'T will keep."

I woke and chid my honest finger,--
The gem was gone;
And now an amethyst remembrance
Is all I own
-Emily Dickinson

This is a poem I had written for Mike that I never gave to him.  Just a reminder that you should always tell the one you love how you feel, you never know when you will no longer have the chance:


A small verse to tell you how I feel;
I makethe words so small
because the feelings are so big they would not fit the page.
It is not enough to simply say
I Love You.
For even though I do,
they are not strong enough words for me.
Love is a simple game I've played with a
thousand times.
No, my feelings for you transcend that feeling  a hundred times over or more.
I wish that for you I could create a new word for this felling;
just so that you would know its stregnth.
But I am not that good a poet,
so I will just speak you name and hope you know, just how wonderful you are to me.