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Job Links

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welcom-a.gif (11348 bytes) to my Home Page!!!

It's been my great pleasure to introduce to you my homepage. Since this is my first experimental webpage, please don't expect much out of this...... But though, within this you can see some of my compilations --- photos, thoughts, friends, family, lovelife, net links, chats, news, happenings, etc... etc.... So just take a moment to browse through the contents and whatever your comments and views may be, please just say it over at my guestbook... okey¿¿¿.........

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Photo Album:  
*** My Wedding Webpage
*** Personal
*** Eve & friends
*** Friends in Singapore
*** Outings      
*** Friends at Rmda
*** Chatters' Gallery

Hot Stuffs!!!

miss_u.jpg (10705 bytes) *** Miss Universe Pageant Pictorials ***
mtv.jpg (8491 bytes) *** MTV ladies ***

Words to live by:

            20 years from now, you will be more disappointed

            by the things that you didn't do than by the ones that you did so.

            So, throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor.

            Catch the winds in your sails.

            Explore....... Dream....... Discover................

- Mark Twain

To contact me please click here... email3.gif (6759 bytes)

Waittttt.... please don't go away yet... Sign my guestbook first!!!

My Guestbook

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This page was last updated on 20-Aug-2000 07:47:58 PM.   

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