Lady_Liz's World

Hey there!
This is my first web page
so don't be alarmed.
I live in eastern N.C.
with my hubby, who is Will,
and I work at a call center.
I somehow managed
to do this with the help
of my good friend Tazzy...
she has to be the most
patient person in the world..
(loves ya gf)
She has taken upon herself
to adopt to speak..
I write poetry on my spare time and
have gotten Will involved in it too
but more on that later...

As my 10th grade
English/Spanish teacher would say...
Welcome to Liz's World!!!

Lady_Liz's World

A place to wonder about reality in general
Lizzie's Reality

This is a page of all my friends and family,
Family & Friends

This is a page I am using to welcome
the newest addition to our family
who we are waiting patiently for..
The baby's page

My friends little world..
she has some cool links...
go check them out
Tazzy Angel Place

Ok, don't laugh..
but I am helping my hubby
fix up his own little world
you can visit him here
Will's Place

Drop me a line,
lemme know what ya think *S*
Send me an e-mail