Here we will list the awards, promotions, retirements and just general interesting GYA information.
Congradulations to Annie Kings Team, 2001 Champs of the LS Bowling Tounament. Those kids can really shoot!

The new equipment has finally arrived!

GASYOAS's attempt at recapturing the LS trophy fell about 40 pins short. We humbly accepted 2nd. We will be back next February to regain our rightful place. Until then, GO GASYOAS! Cudo's to Batman, Clara, and the base bowling activity staff for pulling this off. Great Job! A good time was had by all.

Drill make-ups may only be performed on scheduled AF drill weekends or during the week at storage. Final approval of any make-up is the COS. This is to prevent possible conflict of interest.

Is THE END here? Must we now embark on a new path?

11 NOV 00 Our Navel counterparts are locked out of the duty section. The OIC notified the Building custodian and was informed, that even the BLDG. custodian is not allowed access unless the contractor is present.

The record shows, federal employees have proven themselves to be superior service providers to their private contractor counterparts. Moreover, the consequences of essentially turning programs and agencies over to the private contractors have proven to be disastrous - for the American taxpayers as well as for those who rely on the federal government for important services.

A priceless moment in time

So you would like a job with T Square? You will be hired on an on call basis. You will be paid less than you make on drill weekends. Remember this is a for profit organization. The goal is to put $ in the pockets of the big guys. You must wear a uniform. You must sign an agreement that allows you to be terminated from employment for any reason. You receive no benefits. If the QAE is in your Military unit you can not socialize with that individual. You will be limited as to when you can make up drills to prevent perceived conflicts of interest. There are people that have already had limitations placed on them militarily due to posssible conflicts, relating to their civilian positions. (Read course 6) Maybe you would like all this and more. It is your choice. Shouldn't we all be paid equivelent wage's and benefits? For the retiree's this is a great situation, for younger folks? Well I remember when all I heard was how the only people that got a job in our section was AF retiree's. It seems the more things change the more things stay the same.

Please understand I do not have a problem with profits or people wanting to make a living. My problem is how it is being done and the effect it is having on the military.

29 OCT 99 I hear that the Selfridge CPO, Base Contracting along with T Square is making a deal to sellout the remaining 127th Fuels personnel. They haven't learned anything. There is still hope, remember Battle Creek and Tulsa.

Send this to congress

Don't ever leave your wingman!

Contractor got here 1 OCT 99. What a bargain these guys get. They get the $ for directing the work and servicing. The Govt. still pays for all of their support, Storage operators, LFM (Liquid Fuels Maintenance)and RFM (Refueling Maintenance). Is this the tail wagging the dog?

If you need anything during the week we G-Men can be found in the Box (SA-1)ext 5340 or Bldg. 192 5348

If you have a problem with the Contractor or special request, contact the Commander.

Don't foget to sign the GASYOAS Guest book

Rick gets the Pie in the Wright place! Rick payed for the privalage and COS got his just desert. Since Rick did such a fine job, he had the honor of setting up the youngster for feeding the LS CO a little custerd. The result of which was Yummy, Yummy!
Over $800 dollars was raised in this event for squadron activities and various charitys.

Congradulations Jeremy and Tom B. on being selected to perform a year Active Duty.

Last to retire

Who would have believed it or does? Our Beloved MSGT Pat Palm has finally given it up. Pat is one of the few Vietnam Vet's we have left. Pat's last drill was in OCT. 00. We will miss you at drill, Alpeana, far off lands, the Bowling Ally, lunch at the fill'n station when your not there, but we hope to see alot of him. Pat is still active with the GASYOAS bowling team so some of us will see him every Thursday afternoon. We had a party to Honor Pat's accomplishments Saturday 20 JANUARY 01 drill at the Bar'n. And what a Party it was. Pat was our guy and had a truly remarkable career. The night started out at the Bar'n and then snaked it's way clear to Sandusky MI. It was not a night that will soon be forgotten. Sorry about put'n on your jacket, but it felt pretty good.

Al Delzer and Danny Harpe have retired and May 00 Drill we celebrated their contributions to our unit. Party was at the Base Bowling Ally Saturday immiediatly following Drill.

Don't worry Dan it's not a Gas maskHey Dan it was tough to see you go. Everybody is afraid we may have to work now. Come out and see us if you get the chance.

Did you think we forgot you Al?

TSGT Bob Rieman more affectionly known as Casual Bob or I. B. Rutman was our main scrounger. He had a whole bunch of years. And he was our go to guy when the chips were down. He is now leaving us to fend for ourselves. Need some socks Bob? Rumer has it' He just retired to get out of going to Alpena. Gee'z Bob we think you would have really liked Alpena if you just would have given it half a chance.

SSGT Sandy Smith was also among the honored guests. Sandy was our Fuels admin specialist. She guarded our infamous file cabinet, as well as kept our personnel readiness folders current so the rest of us could be shipped to any crap hole in the world which really worked out for a few of us. We will always remember you when ever we pour sand out of our boots, Thanks, Sandy!!!

It is always nice to see you. Thanks for stopping by on the weekends.

"The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government." -- Thomas Jefferson, June 1776, before the Virginia Assembly

Postcard that Jer sent just before he came home.