
USAIceman's Home PageUSA Flag





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United States Parachute AssociationUSPA
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Ham UniversityMorse Code

Dog Running

My Interests:

      I guess the best- and fastest- way to really get to know me is by discovering what I like . So here goes... I love Scuba Diving (PADI Divemaster/Master Diver), Sky Diving (USPA Jumpmaster), Rappell Master, Ham Radio's ( KD5ARJ), Shooting, Hiking, Swimming, Running , Reading a good book. Listening to people. Weapons.. Please visit my Military Page,  The greatest joy in my life is my Family and  Puppies


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  You can also find me on ICQ, my number is 523833  

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If you have comments or suggestions, Email me at   iceman59@hotmail.com   Mailbox

You can also Voice E-Mail me at the same address: If you don't have voice E-mail download it for free at:   



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