Mike - 07/19/00 17:55:30
My Email:finklefish@hotmail.com
Fav. Band: Pogues & the Dubliners

Robin McNallie - 10/18/99 06:47:27
My Email:robinmcnallie@hotmail.com
Fav. Band: The Waterboys
BRAVO! Finally a site that does not waste my time with useless information about tasteless music. I have been a fan of this band for many years and recently moved down here to Louisiana Cajun territory where I have been successful in adding more to the fl ck of of this great music. May the world continue to be blessed with wonderful sounds as this band has given us. Peace...

shea - 10/02/99 20:35:48
My Email:daibs@rhodes.edu
Fav. Band: waterboys
i am surprised to find a page with two of my fav bands...the pogues and the waterboys lucky me!

steve thornton - 08/04/99 11:16:56
My Email:stephen.thornton3@virgin.net
still desperately waiting for some genius to send in the tab for Natural Bridge Blues by the Waterboys!

Pacemaker - 05/18/99 13:01:49
My Email:U know
Fav. Band: Not I repeat Not NMA
Slapp task lägg in fler chords..... Annars får jag tråkigt!!!!!!

Martin Battaliou - 03/10/99 20:19:44
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/mb/bbep/javascript.html


Rock on people, this is a great site. Thanks for letting me sign your guestbook. Keep up the good work.

Re ards
Martin Battaliou


Andrew - 02/18/99 19:18:09
Fav. Band: Placebo/Levellers
Cool page, but your'e sponsors keep popping up all the time. Tell them they suck.

Puggie - 01/22/99 14:34:29
My Email:puggie@cybergal.com
Fav. Band: Levs
I do like that 'What's related' Netscape thingie - it takes you to places you've never been before... And some are actually interesting...

- 01/01/99 15:49:19
My URL:http://www.access-isp.com
Location: USA

Hello, Happy New Year! I was just at a website that offers UNLIMITED INTERNET ACCESS for JUST $13.95/mo!

- 11/28/98 13:25:55

Andy Stewart - 11/27/98 01:11:24
Fav. Band: The Saw Doctors
Excuse the lack of info above but im on someone elses computer. Im a security officer on night shift and some daft buggers left their computer on. HA HA!

Andy Stewart - 11/27/98 01:09:29
Fav. Band: The Saw Doctors
Excuse the lack of info above but im on someone elses computer. Im a security officer on night shift and some daft buggers left their computer on. HA HA!

Tim Holden - 10/08/98 20:21:24
My Email:tim.holden@lineone.net
Fav. Band: Oysterband/NMA
A Guitar Tab page

Marian - 10/07/98 14:26:35
My Email:het_is_groen@hotmail.com
Fav. Band: Levellers
Please mail me about the lev's!!

Cindy - 09/09/98 08:52:17
My URL:http://www.0001011.com/users/cindy
My Email:cinth@usa.net
comment: Nice page.... please come visit my site :-) Thanks, Cindy

Kay - 07/26/98 11:10:45
My URL:http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/Kay_Bauersfeld
My Email:106031.2745@compuserve.com
Fav. Band: U2, Oysterband, Big Country, Simple Minds, Runrig, Levellers
Let the Folk Rock rule the world !!!

Mark 'Skimpy' Knight - 07/23/98 12:53:28
My URL:http://freepages.pavilion.net/users/dicklangford/mark.htm
My Email:mknight@ea.com
Fav. Band: Tricks Upon Travellers
What no TUT mentioned!!!!!!! Check out their Folk Roots Punk site on http://freepages.pavilion.net/users/dicklangford

Kelly Clement - 07/05/98 23:59:02
My URL:http://www.taosnet.com/ttpix/
My Email:taosfilm@laplaza.org
Fav. Band: Oysterband
Thank-you! First of all for collecting all these great links for a celtic-rock starved individual living in New Mexico. Secondly for resisting those bloody frames on your website! Cheers....

- 06/16/98 10:33:03

Kathy - 06/08/98 11:25:42
My Email:K.J.Winter@ncl.ac.uk
Fav. Band: SawDoctors
I'm well impressed that someone has at last managed to mention 3 of the best bands the world has ever seen on the same page. Excellent work!!

Lucy Lastic - 05/14/98 11:52:01
My Email:Havabyte@Globalnet.CO.UK
Fav. Band: Blue Horses.
Hey, how can you have a Folk Rock Organiser with no mention of the steamrollin' orgiastic phenomenon that is BLUE HORSES??? Check out the site at: members.aol.com/bloohorse/Bluehorses See you down there... Lucy

Tom McCarthy - 03/05/98 14:19:17
My Email:thomas.mccarthy@mic.ul.ie
Fav. Band: the Pogues
Well I am impressed, I'm looking forward to seeing more chord pages up though.

beth Staufenberg - 03/02/98 11:36:03
My Email:bstauf@prodigy.net
Fav. Band: Waterboys
Hey! I'm a passionate Waterboys disciple! But you really must add the Saw Doctors to your list. They are way cool!!!

jerker sagfors - 02/23/98 10:45:19
Fav. Band: pogues, new model army
Krusbär - det hårigaste bäret i Sverige- duger gott till att äta på havregrynsgröt. Dock skär det sig ordentligt tillsammans med fransk senap. That was a lesson for beginners in the knowledge of how to talk swedish without using any four-letters words. (Words like copulation, but in a more discussing form) Love to everybody Jerker (Yes its true. That is my real name and not any perverted nickname.)

jon E. Ristic - 01/28/98 21:26:44

Eden - 01/25/98 19:02:53
Fav. Band: Pogues
Hi. I like The Pogues and Waterboys, but I haven't heard much from the other bands listed. I am looking for Red Roses for Me. I used to have it on cassette, but it died.

bound - 01/08/98 13:00:03
My Email:andrew.h.bound@student.shu.ac.uk
Fav. Band: pogues/levs

Luke Wickstead - 12/24/97 23:00:00
My Email:Luke.Wickstead@ncl.ac.uk
Fav. Band: Velvet Underground
It is about time I have found mouth to mouth on the net! I have been searching cronic and I thought my balls were going to drop before I found some! Cheers!

Andreas Justnæs - 11/12/97 21:55:27
My Email:andycap@mail.link.no
Fav. Band: Waterboys.
To bad the Waterboys are down. But Mike Scott is still burning. Levellers are also big. I was in the consert in Oslo in Norway. New Model army are a little new for me. But I think it`s GREAT. Thanks to all of you. You are GREAT. I`m a drummer. 21 years old.

Elaine Bateman - 11/11/97 16:52:26
My URL:http://users.powernet.co.uk/bateman/index.html
My Email:elaine@bateman.powernet.co.uk
Fav. Band: NMA
Gosh, how embarrassing to see a link to my half finished, half assed attempt at a new model army page......I'll have to finish it now. p.s. A most enjoyable page.

Asa Jonasson - 10/31/97 16:28:35
Fav. Band: the Levellers
I missed your concert in Stockholm the 22nd so I hope you´ll be back soon! love, Asa in Sweden

Greg - 10/22/97 15:34:25
My URL:http://www.iinet.net.au/~moonbase
My Email:moonbase@iinet.net.au
Fav. Band: New Model Army
Hi Mathias, Never know what to say on guest books. How's the band going?

Bill Gates - 10/21/97 14:35:08
My URL:http://www.microsoft.com
My Email:the.emperor@microsoft.com
Fav. Band: The Nipple Erectors
Get your lousy page out of the internet!! Cyberspace is not big enough for us.