This will serve as my personal page until I can get my husband to do something better. Seems he is always tooooooo busy to do the job right most times. Allow me to introduce myself.I am Vicki Burris...aka: Migraine. I am a (envious?) stay at home housewife.Probably the best job in the world considering the alternative. I've been married to Gerry for 23 years-yes,straight through-.We are celebrating our 23rd on August 30,1997. (Thank You,Gerry) If you ask my husband,he would tell you it seems more like 123 years though. Within our present household we have only two kids left at home. One is a four year old Calico Cat named D.C. and you can see her below:

The other is a less than 1 year old Pekingnese named Jinx.He loves to run a lot as all pups do at that age. (whistle-whistle.....Here Boy!)

Our household wasn"t always so empty though. We have raised two very wonderful twins. Melissa and Mike.Both 21 years old and doing just fine on their own now..I say they are wonderful because it is a wonder we ever got them raised!

I spend most of my day doing one of several things.I am either chatting with my friends on MIRC #40plus or playing games on the internet at Sony Playstation.Beyond that I spend some much needed time with Gerry,my loving hubby.I am really a computer "neophyte" and Gerry does most of the 'puter technical stuff for me.I am doing good just to get the darned thing turned on,logged on and into the sites.

Next I'm going to give you some links to my favorite places.So, if you are ready, come seem me in action at these places.

One of my favorite games has always been that classic game called "YAHTZEE". I found a great site through one of my MIRC friends. Marko Aalto has an english version on his site that is terrific.Especially considering that the site is located in Finland.

Another good site is the WWW.SONY.COM.I spend a lot of my spare time in the: Come check it out.You will have to sign in as a member,but,membership is free.See ya' there!

Check back over the wall frequently as I will be adding more sites in the future and Gerry has promiced me my very own chat channel here some day....Bye now....Mig.

Klick here to see a picture of Me and My Hubby....
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